Friday, October 9, 2009

Droves of Women and Girls Moved to Change Minds After Accepting Cupcakes!

Okay, not really, but this is my light-hearted item for today.
I picked this up from the great pro-woman blog I mean, is there really no shame out there? Assuming that there isn't, in what realm could this possibly be an effective strategy? Many people believe in the power and efficacy of prayer. Do that. Silent witness. Do that, I suppose. I guess you can also this, but it just seems silly.
I mean, would we even consider pro-choice cupcakes at anything besides an event tailored to people who already esteem abortion as a fundamental right?
I suppose I'm changing my tune. Go ahead and trivialize this by placing it on a baked good. Maybe you'll come to realize that abortion is just another medical procedure.
By the way, please check out the FAQs. They are to die for!
Q: What do I do if a pro-choicer smashes a cupcake in my face?
A: Wipe the cake off your face and share the rest with someone less angry inside. Go with courage and go with love, the unborn need you to be their voice.

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